To need a loan urgently: the dreaded place to be. First of, try to avoid banks, payday or cash advance loans and always try to go find a loan with a friend before exploring every other option. Take the need for an urgent cash loan as a lesson and a sign to find financial independence through your own startup business without money which you can start with money you found lying around the garage.
The traditional roadmap to loans is expensive, especially if one needs to improve their credit. The same goes for credit cards. There are emerging technologies giving people alternatives to loans such as bitcoin loans and even bitcoin payday loans.
I need a loan urgently: the basics
- If you need a loan urgently: take out a loan with a friend. This is the best route one can take because of low risk and low interest. However, protect your relationships because friendships come before money.
- I need a loan urgently: Find money around the house. Most people have accumulated valuables at times of abundance. Look for electronics, precious metals, games and other items and take them to the nearest pawnshop.
- I need a loan urgently: bitcoin loans. Bitcoins and other electronic currencies have skyrocketed in value and some people are lending them out.
- I need a loan urgently: traditional loans. There are many alternatives to consider that are better than bank and short term loans: title loans, online P2P loans and debit card loans are worth considering. If you need a business loan urgently, there are business loans to consider too.
I need a loan urgently: take out a loan with a friend
A friend is the best source of loans because of the inherent low risk of exposing oneself to bad credit review by agencies and the high interest rates typically practiced by lenders. Here are some pointers about borrowing money from friends:
- When people need a loan urgently but have bad credit, it gets expensive. Not find a way to fix your credit or start by trying to borrow money from friends as a low cost low risk alternative.
- A lot of people need a loan urgently but blacklisted. In this case, borrowing money from friends are the only alternative especially if you need a loan urgently but under debt review.
- There are alternatives to borrowing money from friends, including getting free stuff available out there and that could lead to cash. Learn all about it on here.
- Need a loan urgently today: barter! To get it how to works, visit our dedicated page on the subject.

I need a loan urgently: Pawn your valuables
A pawn shop is often overlooked because of the stigma surrounding the practice. People simply associate pawn shops with sleazy tradesmen and people trying to rip each other off. This is not always the case and you can reasonably count on good pawn shops to help resolve money troubles.
- Find valuables such as metals, guns jewelry, games, and even unused furniture. A lot of folks need a loan urgently in USA and sell such items and you can even use these to start your business.
- If you need a loan urgently without a job, bad credit and without a bank account, there are cash loans for the unemployed out there.
- If you cannot find items around the house, get on making money in alternative ways including getting free bitcoins (yes, it is possible).
- After selling all that unused stuff, start an online business. If you don't have a bank account yet, get one here.

I need a loan urgently: Best bitcoin loans
If you need a small loan urgently, few options are easier to procure than a bitcoin loan.
It requires that you have a friend to help out because it can often be a bit scary start out with this bitcoin world. However, it is not that scary and if you get good at it you can even start loaning some bitcoins out yourself!
- Before considering awful options such as loan sharks and payday loans, get a bitcoin loan without verification.
- Need a small loan urgently? Perhaps 1000 urgently? There are other alternatives.
- People that need a loan urgently under debt review will have a hard time finding a loan through traditional sources. Bitcoin loans are good for these cases!
- A bitcoin loan is a loan from a private person and there are alternatives to private person loans too.

I need a loan urgently: Best traditional loans
Banks need to see prefect credit to give you great rates and that makes sense. Therefore, do not expect great rates if your credit is not great. The best alternatives are:
- Try getting a title loan if you have a vehicle to use as collateral.
- See crowdfunding platforms that could help you finance your dreams.
- Read about getting a loan without a job in this page with many tips and tricks on the subject.
- Free money is possible in a variety of situations which are alternatives to traditional banks if your credit is not great.
- Learn how to fix your financial troubles.
- Remember to read all the risks with unsecured loans before taking one out including enticing zero percent credit cards.
- People that are blacklisted and need a loan urgently can find solution with P2P Loans. If nothing else works, consider debt repayment and debt consolidation options.