A car costs a lot of money. A whole lotta money. car insurance, maintenance. Initial buying costs are very high and gas prices are mainly rising. And many cases you don't really need a car. Forget about it and go hitchhike!
One of the alternatives for owning a car is hitchhiking or carpooling or car sharing. Hitchhiking works fine in many places. It might be tough to make the first steps but you'll find the experience very enjoyable.
Robin, one of the Moneyless.org writers has hitchhiked a lot himself. You can read some of his stories at randomroads.org. On his websites you'll also find links to e.g. Hitchwiki.org, the website about hitchhiking, with tips tips for first timers and a world-wide database of good hitchhiking spots.
Besides hitchhiking you can also make appointments with people living around you that go the same direction. Or you go by bicycle or on foot.
The most important is to construct a life in which you're no longer dependent on having your own car. Think about the things you use a car for that you could approach differently. Is your work far away from home? Might be time for a new job, or even to stop working. Another possibility is to move elsewhere.
Public transport is also an option, but costs money. In some countries it's common that employers cover some of these costs in a tax-deductible way.