Living without money was the way to live in the past. Money is only a recent phenomenon. But since we live in a money economy it's a big challenge to live without money. Heidemarie Schwermer from Germany has done that for 20 years, since May 1996, until she passed away.
How was she living without money and why? Hoe can Heidemarie provide for her needs? If she needs something she's doing this by exchanging: to get bread she works with a baker and to get a roof over her head she watches after houses when the inhabitants have left. After four years she concluded:
I'm richer now than I ever was before.
Heidemarie Schwermer's book
She also wrote a book about it. "A Rich Life Without Money" is her story. You can download the German version for free here, but that is the German version.
Heidemarie's story starts after she divorces her husband and moves to Dortmund with her two kids. She's astonished about the poverty there. In 1994 she's starting an exchange shop called "Gibb und Nimm" (give and take). Goods and services can be exchanged without the need for money.
In May 1996 Heidemarie Schwermer disposes of all her possessions including her house, furniture, insurance etc. and starts a life according to the motto: "to have nothing and to be a lot".
Motives of Heidemarie Schwermer to live without money
Why is Heidemarie living without money? What are her motives? If she's asked about this she always explains that she's critical about the role of money in life. Why is it playing such a big role? According to the review the book is very convincing:
From the beginning the reader is caught by the narrative style, victories of and choices in dilemmas, faith and hope about future visions of humanity and society, caring for earth and environment. Thus the content convinces: it has to be different, it can be different
There's also a documentary about her life. You can find it on the website LivingWithoutMoney.org.