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Daily saving tips

Saving money, who does not want that? There are plenty of ways to save money. The best way is to spend no money at all. At Moneyless.orgyou can find many tips about how to lead a rich life without money. But what about saving money, and good tips for saving? There are many websites and blogs that can help you with that.

Car sharing

No money to buy a car? Be glad, because without a car you have fewer problems. You could try car sharing instead. Car sharing is a global trend and it can be a pretty good option besides public transport or even hitchhiking. Car sharing is a relatively good solution for saving money. Sharing a car without money is only possible if you're driving a sponsored car or if you have a friend who lets you use their car.

Pregnant and no money

Pregnant and no money. What now? My wife and me were sitting at the midwife for our first appointment. We were talking about finances and we were asked how we thought to raise the money, without money. We were slightly confused by this question. And possibly naively we posed ourselves the question: "Money? Do we really need it for a baby?"

Caught by money

Money. We need it. We think. We grow up and it seems as if we cannot function without money. Because there's always money. Money is needed to live, to have a place, to eat, to travel. It seems as if we even need it to breathe. Is that really so?

Bake your own bread

Baking your own bread is quite simple, very nutritious and super fun to do. On top of that you need little or no money to do it. You do need flour, water and salt. With these three ingredients you can make the tastiest bread you ever tried. This is bread without yeast.


Bartering is a simple and cheap exchange of goods and services between people. Bartering is also recommended if you want to live without money or if you want to save money. Bartering is also a fantastic way to get new stuff and it can be a good alternative to the monetary economy.

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