Baking your own bread is quite simple, very nutritious and super fun to do. On top of that you need little or no money to do it. You do need flour, water and salt. With these three ingredients you can make the tastiest bread you ever tried. This is bread without yeast.
As soon as you know how to make bread you can teach it to other people in exchange for some flour and the use of an oven. Or you ask for the ingredients and bake two breads. Like they you can eat your bread without money. It's super nutritious and surprisingly tasty.
With flour and water you can make leaven. It works like this: you mix the flour with some water to form a papje and let it sit for a day or more. Every day you refresh it with a bit of water and flour, let it bubble. After a while there will be crusts. Now it's ready to bake bread.
- For more extended instructions, check these instructions.
- Make your own sourdough
- Find Discussion and more recipes at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16946178