Make money freelance writing

make money freelance writing

Make money freelance writing

If you know how to write you have a chance to earn extra money with sites such as, and many others.

Even as a beginner, as with anything in life, you can make money if you apply yourself.

Best sites for online writing work

Here is a list of sites you can make money online writing

How to start online writing career

Here are a few pointers to start your freelance writing career

  • Cold pitch: tell friends, family, contact bloggers, companies, small businesses
  • Have a business card
  • Create a free website using a site such as have some examples and contact info!
  • Go to a jobboard such as Craigslist and have your pitch there. Post DAILY.
  • Pitch on these sites:,,
  • Follow Twitter accounts for job boards: @Write_Jobs, @WahJobAgency, @WhoPaysWriters, @JJobs_tweets

How to get money short term (not now)

Here we talk about ways you don't get money now, but you actually learn about the roads that exist that will take you to a better future. We do these things ourselves.

Earn thousands.
I need money now
Sell cars
Some call it car flipping.
I need money now
Movie Extras
Earn a quick $200.
I need money now
Buy for a dollar, sell for 2.
I need money now
Free stuff everywhere.
I need money now
Buy in China. Sell here.
I need money now
Find hidden gems.
I need money now
Rent a room. Or a couch.
I need money now
Rent your car out. Or two.
I need money now
Medical Testing
It may earn you thousands.
I need money now
Sperm Donor
Help others and make money.
I need money now
Cell Phone Flipping
Some people make 50k/year!
I need money now
Online Surveys
It will earn you some cash quickly.
I need money now
Speak any other language?
I need money now
Freelance Writing
It is possible.
I need money now

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