Bank account for students in the UK

You are student and want to open a bank account for students, but you have so many question. So here you will find the help for opening a bank account for a student. Is very important you open a bank account for student which has advantage for you and help you with your money.

The student can apply for a normal bank account in your country of origin, different country or a international account. The banks are already making incredible proposals for students who want a bank account for students. Proposals as open a bank account for student free, borrow money for free, free overdrafts, etc.

  • All student can open a bank account for student, it's easy and quickly. Exist so many banks who offer bank account for a student, and they have a different proposal for good or bad. You should search for one that's suits you.
  • The best bank account for students is the one that suits you. Is the one with the greatest benefits and help you save money. For you find the best bank account for students you should be attentive to the options you have.
  • If you are student in UK, Germany, Australia, India, etc… Doesn’t matter where you are a student, you can open a bank account for students. You have the option to open a local account or one which you may use in different countries.

Bank account for students

First of all you have to understand the interesting of opening a bank account for students isn’t only of you. The bank are to interested in you open a bank account for student too. Because of this you can look for a good bank accounts for students with benefits for you.

Several banks want invested in you because they think in the future the students will need a bank account and them will help. Sometimes the young whose open a bank account for student stay with this account for your long life. This is good for the bank once you will invest your money in this bank. Another exemple is the students need borrowing money to fund your education so the bank can help you.

There are so many reasons for the bank want you, now check your motive for choose one bank account for a students.

  • Type of bank: The local, national or international has a bank account for a students. Think in the future which bank will suits your better, because are good reasons for you keep the same account. When you have the same account for a long time this give you good relationship between the bank and you.

  • The Fees: You should read be carefully the fees the bank offer to you. Is good when you have a free ATM and free monthly maintenance.

  • Borrow money: sometimes the life play with us and in this moment we need money. So the good bank accounts for students will give you a overdraft it 0% interest.

Open a bank account for student

There is not difficult opening a bank account for a student. Usually, you will need some documents but is good your check in his website.

  • Some of documents are:
    • Identity document, like as your ID, driver's license or passport;
    • One document which proof your address;
    • And a proof about your student status, like your Student ID.

The best bank account for students

A good bank accounts for students is the one fits you perfectly. First, you have to think about why you want to opening a bank account for students. Which benefits the account bring to you. Second, search different options and take notes of they advantages and disadvantages. So, after this make your choose.

  • In fact the best bank account for students has:
    • Good overdraft;
    • Rewards for open a bank account for student and for pay regularly your account;
    • Low fees for overhead.

Options of bank account for students

  • HSBC - Student Bank Account: The HSBC offer free overdraft, option to increase overdraft, Student Credit Card and others benefits.
  • Nationwide FlexStudent: In this bank account you will find in the first year overdraft limit of £1,000. An the second year you can increase to £2,000 overdraft limit.
  • Santander - 1|2|3 Student Current Account: They offer to you free 4 year 16-25 Railcard, a free overdraft up to £1,500 in years 1-3, a Visa Debit card and others benefits.
  • TSB: You can find in this bank account 0% overdraft and another benefits for you.

German bank account for non residents

Germany is known for Bier, Bratwurst and bureaucracy. Well, the last one mostly among those who have tried to settle in Germany. The love for paperwork is enormous. It's probably even worse than Italy, where there is at least a fair amount of flexibility. Opening a German bank account requires a fair bit of paperwork with most banks in Germany but new banks that make the life of a foreigner in Germany easier, are on the rise.

Free bank account with no fees

For a free bank account with no fees that works on your phone, N26 is the best. It has been popular with millions of people in Europe for a few years now and it has finally arrived in the USA. It's made for your smartphone, it is user friendly, it has low fees and the overall usefulness and a plethora of features make it the single best option for banking on the market today.