Networks for sharing stuff are great to get to use things such as tools. You don't need to buy anything, because you can simply ask your neighbor if you can borrow from them. For example a bicycle pump or a ladder for painting. Many people are already doing this in their neighborhood: "Quickly ask the neighbor if we can borrow his drill."
The new sharing
Individualization in society has reduced contact between people and people are sharing less. On the other side, thanks to the internet there are people filling up this gap. There are now social networks to share things. These networks are growing rapidly.
In many countries and cities across the world there are internet applications made such as websites where people can enter which things they would like to share. Other people can see from whom they can borrow. In the Netherlands there are two such websites, Spullendelen.nl and Peerby, which is now also expanding to the rest of the world, to cities such as New York, Berlin and Barcelona. This new sharing is also called peer to peer (p2p) sharing.
With Peerby you can quickly make a request through their website or phone app and then the system will ask people in your area whether they can help you. You can go collect the thing you need and when you're finished you return it to the owner of the item. It's already quite popular and useful in the city of Amsterdam.
Large scale sharing
This can also be done on a larger scale and without internet, such as in libraries. Suppose every neighborhood would have their own location where you can borrow tools. This could be moneyless, if everyone donates some of their own tools, but it can also be based on money. People could become a member on the base of money they can miss, or on an equal footage.
Fixed location for stuff
If done on a larger scale, more people would get closer to a moneyless life and we'd all need less money. You can also imagine a place that's free for everyone, where stuff can be donated, something like a give away shop, but then as a massive central warehouse for stuff that the neighborhood is sharing.
If you want to set up something like this, start in a small scale. In your own neighborhood or area. Find a suitable spot, for example a barn and ask everyone who wants to join to donate the stuff they want to share, maybe even create and spread some flyers.
Free stuff
If you need certain stuf because you have no money or because you want to live with less or without money, you can also consider networks for free stuff. These are websites where people offer stuff for free. You can often collect things for free.
Sharing stuff seems like a form of bartering. But to take part in it you don't need your own stuff. You just need access to the pool of stuff. Some people would like to make money when lending their things to people, but the majority seems to be fine with lending for free. It's more part of the gift economy.
Other common forms of sharing are car sharing and sharing hospitality.