Free haircuts

Free haircuts can be had in different ways. If you find yourself moneyless it doesn't mean you need to walk around like a bum. We all know hairdressers are quite expensive in the Western world. So let's look at some alternatives.

Haircut coupons

If you're lucky you can find coupons for a free haircut, but most of these are mere for a small percentage reduction. Unless you're a veteran soldier or even still in service, we found some free haircuts for veterans, but well, in that case you're usually trimming your hair yourself in a minute or two.

Ask a friend or relative

You might be surprised but many people are pretty good at cutting hair. Just ask around among your friends or try posting a request on a website.
It can be a fun and very social experience to have your hair cut by friends from now on. You can return the favor by cooking a meal (possibly with some free food you get) or otherwise bartering some other kind of service like fixing their bicycle's flat tyre.

Become a model

You don't have to be an underweight junky to become a model. If you dare you can also become a testing model for training hairdressers. Like this you will end up with interesting haircuts for free. Check the local hairdresser schools to find some good options. Beware, it helps if you're not expected with a clean boring haircut at work.

I hope you give these solutions a try some time. You could even throw a haircutting party with your friends.

Find Edible Plants

Fruit such as strawberries, apples and raspberries don't have to come from a supermarket. You can find it in your street, a park or a forest near you. You can reap this food relatively often. And except fruit there are also chestnuts, dandelions, wild herbs and a lot more.

Free Stuff

Free Stuff

What are the ways that rich people give away free stuff? Every year trillions of dollars - you read that right - are redistributed as the rich of the world throw away, sell for cheap, donate or invest.

Book: Steps Towards Inner Peace

The Peace-Pilgrim was a woman living almost 30 years without money, in the walhalla of money: the United States. She made many walking trips and took only little on those trips. She lived just from what people gave her and she never needed any money!

Her message was about an inner peace that is reachable by anyone. You as well! It's the ultimate form of happiness, always in peace with whatever is there. Always be at peace with yourself.

"Steps Towards Inner Peace" is the book published after her death. The book is available for free. You can order it at the website about the book and there is also a digital version in Dutch and other languages.

Also check Wikipedia for more information about her life and the website Peacepilgrim.