Really Free Everything in London

Free London

Well, London is seeming to be the easiest place in the world to live in that I have lived in. Last year I lived in 16 countries in Europe and Africa. Every restaurant/cafe that sells boxed food has stock on its way. If they don't sell everything in the store they can't store it... it has to go out. So they leave these boxes of food in front of the cafe's in bin bags.

Free Food

Every restaurant/cafe that sells boxed food has stock on its way. If they don't sell everything in the store they can't store it... it has to go out. So they leave these boxes of food in front of the cafe's in bin bags.

If you wait for the cafe's to close, then wait for them to clean up, restock and close the cafe, they'll leave you a bag of delicious food. Help yourself but remember, leave the place neat tidy and clean like you found it ALWAYS!

Sometimes they tie the knots really tight but try to undo the knot. Light bags won't have anything in them. Heavy bags are usually full of food.

More info:


You can put together a bike of your own by finding spare parts and maybe buying some parts as well.

I've put together a racing bike completely for free and it goes really fast. London is actually quite a small city when you cycle!

People sometimes take frames to scrap metal shops to get money for them. Usually scrap metal places don't buy bike frames but they store them. I haven't any solid success with this yet.

Hackney city farm

Has a bike shop with a very nice lady who repairs bikes for the lowest price I have ever seen in London. She is really nice and will give you an honest fair price.

She also throws a lot of bikes and parts out. There is a trailer at the back... have a look and you'll find wheels, tires, frames, brakes, bars and more...

Personally I love finding and putting bikes together. I'm looking to start making bike trailers and eventually make bicycle trailer homes...

and then bicycle trailer treehouse homes lol. A trailer you can sleep in that you can pull into a tree when you go traveling through Europe. Could also have a solar panel on the roof.

There is an infoshop called 56a, they repair your bike for free!


I live in an old abandoned grocery store. I have been working on and developing it. It's coming along really nicely. I've got a currier and a stunt man living here also... we all bring food back to the house and go out cycling which is a lot of fun.

You can also find a building to live in for free. Just take a look around! They're everywhere.

You can find a very handy squatters guide book at 56a which is a great place to hang out in the afternoon and evenings.

The building I'm living in has been abandoned for 8 years. The council claim it's their building but neighbours say otherwise. So the owner could be somewhere else and not interested in the building which means I could live here for... a long time if I want

If you find a building with no one in put a celetape over the door and come back in a month or a few weeks and see if the tape has been broken or not. If not that means nobody has been there. Could be your home!

Do it with at least another one friend. I opened my place on my own and wouldn't recommend it.

In my building I no longer have electricity. If I really need it for a short time a neighbour lends me a power lead. So to do drilling or to use power tools I just ask and I receive.

Otherwise, we use candles for light and a free internet community cafe down the road for charging phones and computers.

Ondrej builds a table for the sink in the kitchen (youtube).

Also check the Moneyless article about hospitality exchange networks.


We're so lucky in the UK. There are so many parks to visit and hang out in for free. Summer is just around the corner and a great time to go and sit in the parks with your friends, play sports and eat :)

General Free Stuff

Gumtree is a good source for free stuff.

I got a nice free hair cut
2 manicures
1 pedicure
1 power drill


But be warned... to get decent stuff is competitive I believe. You also have to sift through a lot of messages of stuff you don't need. It's time consuming.


There are clothes banks around the city. I only know of a few in my area. Limehouse, Stepney Green, Mile end.

People dump their unwanted clothes in the banks but sometimes the banks get so full and they start leaving stuff on the top and all around the banks in bags.

I have found designer clothing, suits, towels, sheets, hats and all kinds of amazing quality stuff.

Just because it gets thrown away doesn't mean it's not good quality or brand new.


I've got two brand new iphones in less than a week.


I bought one second hand about a year ago 3GS. The phone was rining but not making any sound. I couldn't prove this but I complained and they gave me a new iphone... Brand new!

The original second hand one I bought was out of warranty.

So then the one they just gave me appeared to have something wrong with the date function. I went back and told them about it...

They didn't even look at the phone and just gave me a new one. I also got to keep the previous one they gave me which was 4 days old.

I think they're trying to shift stock. If you want to have your mac products replaced for new ones just go in (if there is a problem with your current one) and tell them about it.


Yes! You can get friends for free also ;)

Friends are the most desirable thing out of all the things to have and I hope you have good friends and contine to acquire more good friends. Talk with your friends, hang out with them and let them know you care. Be a good friend ;)

You can acquire a free friend by approaching and talking with them... where? On public transport. You might see the same people waiting at the same stop every day. Talk with them

Play a sport, join a team, get some hobbies, learn to dance, volunteer, go clubbing,


Approach people! Meet and greet them.

If you don't approach and talk with people you'll miss out on many potential friends

Dating Relationship

hmmmm no comment.

Actually... I guess... meet more people and look for friendship. Friendship is the prerequisite for a loving relationship I believe.

The more people you know the more chances of finding that special someone. I believe you have to go out meeting people to find the right one's to be in relationship with. Some say don't look for it but I don't believe that ;)

Like attracts like so do what you like and you'll find someone like yourself who you like and who likes you to.

Free Books

Bar 1001 on Brick Lane has a free book shelf. Otherwise you can sit in waterstones and read all day long for free.

Free Naked Bike Ride

Thanks to adventurous7 for posting about this

11th June!

Pictures from last year

Could take you around and show you all the free places and stuff I know about. I might help you build a bike. I've usually got food at my place. I'll happily talk with you and share stories and whatever else I have ;)

As for free food... shops start closing around 4pm so before that I couldn't really show you free food except sandwiches that EAT give out and Capachino that Pret give out ;)

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