Book: Moneyless Manifesto

In 2012 Mark Boyle, also known as the Moneyless Man, published a book about living without money: The Moneyless Manifesto. It's about his life without money and it's also available for free.

The Moneyless Manifesto is especially convincing without becoming theoretical, like many other books about economy. It's a report about two and a half years without money. And unlike many other alternative economies you can start today and immediately get results.

The second part of the book is very concrete about the question how to actually live without money. The answer is that you can only be moneyless by leaving our all-destructing society behind yourself and to strive for unity with nature. That will be a step too much for most people, but you don't have to go moneyless from one day to the next, there are many intermediate steps that will increase your resilience without decreasing your happiness in life.

It's no wonder the book received a raving review by Zerzan, who is known to be highly critical of our (post-)agricultural civilization and advocates to go back to a life as led by hunter-gatherers.

Mark Boyle's book is at once practical, analytical and personal. A fine contribution that also opens on to the question of the very nature of the world we live in - and need to move beyond.
- John Zerzan, author of Future Primitive and Against Civilisation

Living Moneyless: Mark Boyle

Living without money, how does that work out in practice? The Irishman Mark Boyle has been doing it since November 2008 and he's having a great time. He's living in England in an old caravan given to him. He start symbolically on Buy Nothing Day, a yearly day to not buy anything together with others.

For Mark Boyle it's especially a reaction to the consumer society in which we live and the knowledge that we're responsible for the things we do, to make the Earth a nicer place to live.

Money disconnects us

Thus he writes: "If we would grow our own food, we would no longer throw away a third as we do today. If we'd make our own tables and chairs we'd no longer dispose of them the moment we would want to change our home's interior. If we would clean our own drinking water we wouldn't waste it that easily."

As long as we keep on using money, he writes:

These symptoms will surely remain. That's why I decided to give up money, originally as an experiment, and I immediately felt myself more connected to the stuff I use and consume.

Freeconomy Living

But how can we acquire our stuff and how can we satisfy our needs if we'd all live without money? Mark is asking himself that question and started the network Just For The Love Of It. This Freeconomy network enables folks to show what they want and can give. So that people who need it can use it. Mark Boyle also writes articles for The Guardian. He gives a lot of tips and describes why he chose this way of living and how it's changing him.

He also published a book about it: The Moneyless Man: A Year of Freeconomic Living.

Video: The Moneyless Manifesto

The Moneyless Manifesto from James Light Film Production.

Raphael Fellmer

Some people have consciously chosen for a life without money. Raphael Fellmer and his family have been living without money or income since 2010, "to increase consciousness about responsibility, that we all carry for hunger, injustice and environmental damage." Raphael is living in Berlin with wife and children. He has been on TV several times.

Share stuff

Networks for sharing stuff are great to get to use things such as tools. You don't need to buy anything, because you can simply ask your neighbor if you can borrow from them. For example a bicycle pump or a ladder for painting. Many people are already doing this in their neighborhood: "Quickly ask the neighbor if we can borrow his drill."


Bartering is a simple and cheap exchange of goods and services between people. Bartering is also recommended if you want to live without money or if you want to save money. Bartering is also a fantastic way to get new stuff and it can be a good alternative to the monetary economy.

Free haircuts

Free haircuts can be had in different ways. If you find yourself moneyless it doesn't mean you need to walk around like a bum. We all know hairdressers are quite expensive in the Western world. So let's look at some alternatives.