Free coins: Manna

The future that awaits us is likely to include some form or another of the concept of universal basic income, also called UBI. There are many decentralized versions of the scheme and various other basic human rights and protections, but nothing universal.

Manna is an interesting decentralized UBI concept with many reputable backers just like other projects which comes with a marketplace!

Free coins: Manna

  • Find ways to get free bitcoins to get started.
  • Get information - all you can - on UBI as a concept before getting started.
  • Build up a good base for information on Manna's website.
  • Manna is already on exchanges.


Manna Coin Basics

According to their website - Mannabase - which is the online platform for Manna, can only work with a large enough group of partners and supporters which would have to include conscious business owners, nonprofits and customers.

  • Manna's information can be found at [Mannabase](
  • The project aims to send people Manna on a regular basis, so everyone has their basis covered!
  • Manna is a non-profit.
  • Manna is already being traded on exchanges.
  • There are wallet systems for every popular desktop operating system.


Manna Coin: how it works

Manna is a properly build and technically well backed cryptocurrency. According to its whitepaper, it aims to be a "people's currency" and as universal basic income, people will get a standard deposit of its tokens every in regular intervals.

  • How it works is open source: it is all on Manna's github.
  • A lot of the basis of manna can be found here.
  • Detailed information is on Manna's whitepaper which outlines its plan of implementing an economically impactful & viable basic income on the blockchain.


Investing in Crypto

Crypto is the future of money and the future of saving money for individuals and families. These has been few opportunities such as this in modern history and as such a lot of people are excited about it. It is important to be careful in order to avoid being scammed. See some tips below.

  • Learn all about cryptocurrency before diving into it. It is not child's play. Ask a friend to get you started!
  • Trade with the top 10 currencies first, to get used to it all. Don't play with ICOs until you are good.
  • To get started, you can learn how to get free bitcoins here.
  • You can learn ways to start a business with no money before getting ready for crypto trading.