Writing articles on the internet is different from writing a book or writing for a newspaper. How to Write for the Web? Can you write on the internet and earn money? Reading on the web is often a bit casual. The internet user often seeks a definitive answer to a specific question, or tips to start something new. This article, for example, is addressing the latter.
Understand Your Audience
To write text for the web you have to have a good idea of who will read your text. For example, if you are reading this article you probably want to create a website, make money on the internet or simply write text for a website that already exists. You already understand what a website is and most likely you have already written articles in your life. That is why we have plunged directly into the heart of the subject without boring you with the ins and outs of the web.
It's best to picture your audience in a very explicit way. In this case I am explaining the writing on the web to my friend Georges of Cameroon. He already has a lot of experience with writing on the web, especially for Wikipedia. It helps a lot to write for someone in particular.
Doing your research
I often write articles about subjects I did not know about before I started. For example, recently I created a website on insurance. A subject that was completely foreign to me. But the internet, Google and Wikipedia allowed me to quickly learn enough to write a passable text on 4x4 insurance. That's enough for a start. In good time I will learn more and I will improve this article.
Start with a subject and a preliminary title
The subject and titles are often the same. For this article, they are both "Write for the web". The title can always change along the way, for example: "How to write a blog?" or "How to write an article for the web?"
Write an introduction
A gripping Hook is essential. Not only will it be your first words that will decide if your readers will stay to the end. But it is not the only reason. Writing for the web is also writing for search engines like Google. These search engines are very looking at the first few lines of a page because the first lines are usually displayed when presenting the results. Make sure to include keywords from the first few lines.
Organize your content
Start by writing the subtitles of your sections. It will make it easier for you to write the text. If you have found sources online, you can already copy and paste the links into your draft.
Write content
In most cases it is not necessary to write a perfect text when you’re first publishing it. Nothing prevents you from returning to correct, enlarge, reorganize later. This way it's less stressful! It incites to publish more, and more often. Write a lot, and then come back to assess what works in the text and what doesn’t work. Do not spend too much time per article.
For formatting, it helps if you know HTML With software like WordPress, you can make a couple of formatting tweaks without technical knowledge. But ultimately, it's a good investment to learn the basics of HTML. The most important thing is to put subtitles. We can also add other styles, such as this citation: “Writing is putting ones obsessions in order” - Jean Grenier, excerpt from Albert Camus.
Nice, is not it?
Optimize for Google
Optimization for search engines is an essential part of writing on the web. I have already mentioned a few things. The most important is to create a captivating text that will attract links to other websites. After all, search engines are trying to curate the articles that people are looking for most. So you just write articles that people want to read, and Google will do the rest. Also do not hesitate to add some links in your article to respectable sources.
If possible, look for some images that will improve the aesthetic presentation of your article. A video is even better but that's not always necessary or appropriate.
The Call to Action
It is a good idea to finish the article with a call to action. This is a key concept of writing on the web. What do you want your readers to do once they read your text? You certainly write for a reason. You have led your reader to the end of your text, now what do you do? Do not let the reader go hungry. Give him something to do. For example:
Now is the time to get started! Start a free blog on WordPress.com and write!