Food Is Free Project

The Food is Free Project is a 501(c)(3) non profit in the United States that grows communities and food launched in January 2012. The project is connecting people both online and in their own street to grow and share food among people.

The project is creating models for growing food in unused public spaces so that people can get fresh and organic food.

Food Is Free Project

Free Stuff

Free Stuff

What are the ways that rich people give away free stuff? Every year trillions of dollars - you read that right - are redistributed as the rich of the world throw away, sell for cheap, donate or invest.

How to save money on groceries

There are two things sure in life, death and taxes. And actually, there is a third thing we can be sure of: inflation. Over time prices of almost all products are rising. This is especially obvious with groceries. World food prices have been rising more steadily in recent years. And you might feel that in your wallet. Saving money on groceries is a good way to get around it. How to save money on groceries?

Dumpster Diving Tips

tips for dumpster diving

There's enough food for everyone, but a lot of food is chucked. Stores, consumers and producers simply dump a lot of good food! You can find this food by checking the bins you find outside of stores. Dumpster diving can also be a lot of fun!